Back Home Again
Sunday, April 30, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Back home again today after a fun weekend in Michigan. I left Detroit this morning at 3:45 AM local time, and got home via Dallas at 10AM. Hugs and kisses all around, then off to Red Robin before naps. This time, I took a nap too, which is unusual, but slept like a baby. Then off to Passion tonight for the service here at Saddleback, topped off with a game of Feeding Frenzy with the boys - that's their welcome home gift from their dad after the trip.
Off to Seattle Monday night, too - so got to make the most of each minute!
posted by Unknown @ 11:45 PM |
Michigan Friends
Saturday, April 29, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
posted by Unknown @ 7:41 PM |
HALO 3 at E3 This Year has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Oh my, this is the best news I've heard all day. Can the 360 get any better? Oh yeah ...
With Microsoft, the rumors are always true. The next iteration in Bungie Studios' Halo series will appear at E3 2006 in video form at its Tuesday, May 9 news conference, IGN learned today from independent sources who recently spoke with Microsoft executives.JG
The video is allegedly two minutes long, although its contents weren't divulged. We're guessing a wild breathtaking battle on Earth. Knowing Microsoft, the publisher will want to show all real, in-game engine footage to counter Sony's fantastical CG videos from E3 2005. When Microsoft was contacted, the company issued its standard reply, "We don't comment on speculation and rumors."
posted by Unknown @ 12:26 PM |
I Want to Be More Like Kevin has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Kevin just finished speaking this afternoon at the PDYM Training Day. What a great one-legged-golfer-pastor dude. My favorite part of his talk was these questions: If your student ministry was gone, would your church notice? If it was gone would the community notice? The question centered around the impact your student ministry is making by serving. Good stuff.
Vince did a really nice intro of Kevin, too. He talked a little bit about his journey to faith and his mindset of how the church should serve. Then Vince played an 8-minute clip from LeMis, demonstrating the sacrifice of service. He said we need to be more like Jesus, in other words, more like Kevin. High praise, for a very cool dude.
posted by Unknown @ 11:45 AM |
Hanging with Kevin and Vince has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
I'm just shooting the breeze right now with Vince Beresford and Kevin Valentine (the best 1-legged youth pastor I know) at the PDYM Training Day here at Spring Arbor.
There's about 100 youth workers and students learning about what it means to follow the purposes in their student ministries. I've had some great discussions with some students - the Q&A lunch was my favorite part so far - some really great questions! Vince has been a great host and the conference has been really good.
posted by Unknown @ 11:35 AM |
The Youth Guys from Yorba Linda Friends
Friday, April 28, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
On the flight from Chicago to Detroit I met Joe and Jay from Yorba Linda Friends Chuch - very cool guys, they were coming out to visit Vince their newly hired pastor of student ministries. Vince is also the host of the Training Day at Spring Arbor - kind of his swan song before he and his family move back to California. Should be a fun weekend!
posted by Unknown @ 10:05 PM |
Sleepless in Seattle
Thursday, April 27, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Never mind that Andy and I are designing the new top-secret-blow-your-mind-tight-launches-next-winter SYM website while we're in Seattle next week at a web conference. We want to hang out with youth workers!
We just received an invitation via the podcast for lunch with Justin and Brad up in Seattle next week - and that sounds like a very good time! If you're in the area and want to join in, recommend a great unique place and local food delights and let's do it! Shoot Andy and I a note now - we're in town for 3 full days!
posted by Unknown @ 10:14 PM |
The SYM Servers Have Blown Up has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
One other note tonight ... if you tried to get the podcast yesterday, you may have been let down or bummed by slow download times. We're so sorry about that!
Here's what's sweet: we're blowing up our server! It's hard to believe, but honestly we've well over a terabyte of data data this month ... and most of it comes Wednesday and Thursday after the podcast (geeks: we have a 10MB pipe which we ran at full speed all day yesterday, we even increased it to a 30MB stream for a while, and it was completely peaked as well for that period. translation: that's a TON of data). Was the chocolate milk video funny? You sure downloaded it in droves! Not to mention those free Igniters, too. Shoot, big day for the content server. Maybe we should get a server farm w/load balancer?
Let me know if you know someone who would be willing to sponsor/advertise/donate for bandwidth. Maybe we should find an ISP or an AOL-type place or something. Who knew?
Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know we're working on it, and we're so shocked, humbled and excited by the popularity of the podcast - we're scrambling to make the delivery painless. And yes, we're working on the audio for the video, too. Good stuff!
posted by Unknown @ 10:01 PM |
Pass it On Day 1 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Back from the mall tonight after some time with the family before the big trip to Michigan in the morning.
Pass it On was a REALLY great time, about 100 youth workers from all over the country split into 2 groups - a Nuts and Bolts of Youth Ministry with Fields and a Helping Hurting Kids with Jim Burns. Both excel in this setting and the content is strong. If you've never been, might be an idea to check on out next year.
Had some Chic-Fil-A for lunch, sponsored by Group, and then everyone went to Dave and Busters to celebrate and hang out. Good times.
6:45 comes early - goodnight!
posted by Unknown @ 9:56 PM |
Proverbs 3 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Learnings from Proverbs 3:
Always be a learner and record your learnings (v1)
Learnings will reduce stress (v2)
Honor your word (v3)
Reward those that do honest business with you with more work (v3)
Use human wisdom, but rely on God's supernatural direction (v5)
Don't give into the folly of only human guidance (v7)
Make sure your business doesn't just take, it gives back (v9)
A bad year could be a reminder from God of these principles (v11)
Make use of common sense (v13)
Applying wisdom is life-giving and a measure of true success (17,18)
Sound judgement should be in the front of our mind (v21)
Don't shy away from generosity to those that are truly in need (v27)
Don't put red tape around giving generosity (v28)
Study and learn from bad examples (v31)
God's blessings extend to your home (v33)
Make sure humility comes before everything else (v34)
Don't waste any bit of your life being a stubborn fool (v35)
posted by Unknown @ 9:53 PM |
Audio Blogger Works!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
posted by Unknown @ 11:16 PM |
Goodbye Kelly Pickler has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
No doubt America made the right choice this week.
Too bad, Kelly's been out to Saddleback Church a few times during the weekends, so we've all grown closer to her because of mutual faith. That aside, unfortunately it was probably the weakest performance of Tuesday night on American Idol. My pick (Chris) and my wife's pick (Katherine) are the Top 2 and perhaps even running away with it, so I'm still amused by the show.
OK, enough of the small talk. SYM's Pass it On Conference starts first thing in the morning. Gotta leave the house at 6AM to make it to Vanguard. Night!
posted by Unknown @ 10:26 PM |
Hard Out There for a Link Part 2 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
So ...
Can I link to Sports Illustrated? There's a robust swimsuit section there as well as coverage of sports.
iTunes have shows with very explicit content. Can we link to our own podcast?
Xbox360 has a game called Dead or Alive Beach volleyball coming out next month. Could I link to And don't get me started on Tomb Raider, people.
I want to book a flight - but Yahoo! also has a movie section, where they are promoting The Omen due to hit theaters 6/6/06. Can I book a flight there? Can I even tell other people in the office about the fantastic travel deals on their website?
I get my movie news from ComingSoon.Net. They have adds for a dating service from True. Argh.
Interesting debate. As of this moment, I say you can link to a good site but the end user has to have the discretion not to follow what might be compromising links.
posted by Unknown @ 8:19 PM |
It's Hard Out There for a Link has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
The entire internet is available from any single computer. The beauty of the internet is that it is connected together like a massive web. Hence the name. And because of that fact, the personal computer is now a powerhouse of information like no other.
It then becomes interesting to note that it is becoming increasingly difficult to link to another website without finding some element of compromising content. But can you link to a website that itself is safe but but maybe links to another site that is not? I was doing some research for that very question - how many clicks are you away from pornography at any time? The answer will surprise you. Two.
posted by Unknown @ 6:36 PM |
My Friend Josh has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Just found out my youth pastor friend Josh Treece from The Journey in San Diego has a blog, too. Here's a quick shoutout to him and a link if you want to read his journey. He's a young youth pastor that somehow got mixed up in junior high. And ladies, that's right ((cue the music)), he's a bachelor. Delicious! You'll for sure want to see him play a Kieth Urban song, too. Much love, Josh, let's get lunch soon.
posted by Unknown @ 3:19 PM |
PDYM Community Lunch has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
We just finished the PDYM Community Lunch and it was teriffic. We had maybe 10 at ours altogether, including Shaun and Jamie from HSM. It was a great time debriefing the PDYM Conference, giving away some SYM resources and talking youth ministry! Shoutouts to Jake and his American/Asian congregations, Kyle for teaching his first talk to students tonight (on sex no less) and Ben who even brought his mother. Good times were had by all!
posted by Unknown @ 3:12 PM |
SYM Podcast Episode 13 Now Online has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Head over to the SYM podcast home or hit this link up to launch iTunes to grab the latest show from Simply Youth Ministry live today. In this installment we talk about change - do you make them all at once or one at a time? We also hit on topics like dealing with people in leadership who don’t like you, visiting public schools and handling affection between leader and student in your youth ministry. Good stuff!
posted by Unknown @ 2:38 PM |
Cliche Movie of the Year Award
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
OK, I liked The Sentinel. It was pretty good, a solid C+. I enjoyed it, but the whole formula was tired, the whole plot was played out and the entire film was effortlessly predictable. The first 2/3rds of the film are enjoyable and really do draw you in, the end becomes as predictable and cliche as can be. Not impressed, but still enjoyed it. Besides, always good hanging with friends.
Here's a few reasons why it is a strong AVERAGE film, if you've seen the film you'll know what I'm talking about:
- If all else fails threaten the mole's family - he'll give in instantly with that one. Yawn.
- Stereotypical villian - no motivation but ruthless, incredibly intelligent and elloquent. Nah.
- The Fugitive influences - except the fugitive is Michael Douglas instead of Harrison Ford. He's ingenius, though we hardly see it (why did he buy WD40 and other assorted tomfoolery at the gas station? Would have been GREAT fun to see him go McGyver-old-school-SS agent against the good guys AND the bad guys).
- Failed polygraph test - overacted completely. Would have been much more fun to see him confidently take the test and still fail. The only guy not to take the test is the bad guy. Argh.
- The mole gets killed in the end - of course, as crime never pays.
- The rookiee card gets played twice - she isn't messed up by years of being on the job and then she doesn't shoot Garrison when given a clear shot. Cliche. Boring.
- Eva Longoria is completely unconvincing as a SS agent - she's got 3 completely out of character scenes. Look for them: a) when she says "check" on the radio as she's driving, b) responding to Keifer's "10ft intervals" command in the mall and c) when she's protecting the First Lady at the end of the film. I just don't believe you.
- Jack Bauer won't take the shot? Come on!
- Somehow two very important people can always evade the toughest security to exchange information. And then that vital information will come into play later. Always.
There's more, but it's late and I still want to catch the REAL 24 on TiVo from last night. Good diversion, average film. If you've seen The Negotiator, The Fugitive, Ransom or anything recent with Harrison Ford, you've seen this film.
posted by Unknown @ 11:57 PM |
Confessions from Jack Black has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
This is perhaps the most ingenious marketing idea ever. Totally pyro-grassroots-underground-insider's marketing. It will become the new standard. The idea is to get simple 3-4 minute weekly videos into the hands of the right people - namely via iTunes, tech savy websites and Xbox Live - you've got a potent combination there.
It is amazing how something that gives you a simple behind the scenes look and an actor's funny musings could make you want to see the movie so badly. Sure, the film is from the director of Napoleon Dynamite, but many believe Nacho Libre has legs to stand on it's own this summer. I'm first in line with a pile of friends to see this one.
If you're not catching the Confessions (via iTunes or the official website above) than get caught up now and get ready for the movie June 16th. Luchadors forever!
posted by Unknown @ 9:27 PM |
Simply Youth Ministry Podcast Episode 13 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
We finished the latest installment of the SYM podcast this afternoon, pretty good show I think that's lots of fun. As always, there's a little bit of actual content packed in around the edges of the box.
Want to get the show early? You can ... here's the sneaky way that some of you may have already figured out. On the main podcast page, you'll find an archive. The links all work something like this:
All you have to do is substitute the next episode number (example podcast_013.asp) and you might discover an early treat. You might be able to download the episode early, or perhaps even peruse the links while they are in progress. This week, as an example, you could download the audio early and see all of the links almost 24 hours before everyone else. Wild, eh?
Just a little nugget of goodness for the podcast junkies out there. You know who you are.
posted by Unknown @ 8:57 PM |
The Sentinel Tonight? has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
OK ... here's hoping that Leigh, Matt and I can go see The Sentinel tonight. We've got a 9:40 triple date down at Regal. The kids are in bed early, the mood is set. I've been wanting to see it, but it looks like Yahoo! visitors and critics are panning it pretty badly. Shoot! Of course, cinema is suggestive, so here's hoping I raise my glass to it at the end. ((the glass has sparkling grape juice in it, of course)).
posted by Unknown @ 8:48 PM |
Chocolate Milk Video Now Online has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Natalie and I had a competition the other day, it involved lots of chocolate and caffine. You can read about it here and now watch the video here.
posted by Unknown @ 9:10 AM |
Bird Flu Hits Florida has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!

posted by Unknown @ 9:08 AM |
Proverbs 2 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Contiuning in my 31 day journey into Proverbs for workplace principles:
We are to be active, not reactive (v3)
Part of success is being honorable (v7)
Being just and faithful always wins (v8)
Discretion is protection (v11)
We will only enjoy success if it was gained honorably (v21)
posted by Unknown @ 9:03 AM |
Youth Pastor Loses His Cool
Monday, April 24, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
You all saw this a month ago, right? It's making the rounds again in our offices, so I thought I would pass it on. Lovely for our profession, isn't it? I have to say though, my heart has been right there before, know what I mean? I think you do.
LIBERTY, Missouri (AP) -- A youth minister was charged with assault for allegedly knocking down a 16-year-old boy and kicking him in the groin after taking a head shot from the teen in a dodgeball game.
David M. Boudreaux, 27, was charged Wednesday with one count of third-degree assault. According to court documents, the incident happened in February at Crescent Lake Christian Academy.
Authorities said the teen missed Boudreaux with one throw but then knocked the youth minister's glasses off with the next. The boy apologized, authorities said, but Boudreaux pushed him backward, and when the teen got up again Boudreaux kicked him in the groin and left.
posted by Unknown @ 6:17 PM |
Beat Jason 3 Games to 1 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
OK, this was an interesting set of games - Jason won the first game so I had to do a comeback of sorts in order to win the Propel of the Day award. In the end though a solid 3 games to 1. In honor of my victory, I enjoyed an Orange Gatorade Endurance Formula because "my hydration needs are very different than most athletes" or something like that. Whew, a few more days of this and I might actually get in shape.
posted by Unknown @ 6:10 PM |
SYM Newsletter Tool Online has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
The new SYM newsletter tool is up and running, pretty sweet stuff. It uses the iFrame command to take advantage of Digital River's mail software and tools, as well as our ASP server as well. Pretty slick in the end, me thinks!
posted by Unknown @ 6:08 PM |
Saddleback San Clemente Makes the Register has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Cool article on churches growing in Orange County in today's OC Register. Saddleback's San Clemente is mentioned as well:
On Easter Sunday, Saddleback Church members celebrated the grand opening of the church's first satellite campus - Saddleback San Clemente.Members watched Rick Warren, the church's head pastor famous for the best-seller "Purpose-Driven Life," preach on a big screen. The church is leasing San Clemente High School's gym for Sunday use.
The main Lake Forest campus is home to about 20,000 members.
Saddleback Church, which began with seven members in Warren's Laguna Hills living room in December 1979, hopes to eventually offer more satellite campuses.
"Not everyone likes coming to a big church," said Saddleback pastor Rev. David Chrzan. "When a church is closer to home, people tend to feel like it's more of their own."
posted by Unknown @ 3:01 PM |
Proverbs 1 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Pastor Rick asked everyone to read through Proverbs during his month-long series on the workplace. Today is the first day!
Observations from Proverbs 1:
Never stop being a learner (v5)
Never be afraid of guidance (v6)
Being rich with dishonest money is unsatisfying (v19)
Honor Godin your business dealings (v29)
Complacency is a quick receipe for disaster (v32)
posted by Unknown @ 9:47 AM |
Passion Box Score
Sunday, April 23, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
At Passion tonight we had Jung Park in for Lyndsay Wallace tonight, and he did a fantastic job. We had 116 at the service tonight, which is held in Tent 2 on Saddleback's campus. Jung is a great guy and I hope he can come on full time with the church someday, he and his family are really cool. Pastor Rick's message was on your job mattering to God, my favorite point was about how God uses your vocation to mold and shape your character. "While you are working, God is working on you." Good stuff.
posted by Unknown @ 9:54 PM |
First Experience with Ice Cream Headaches has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Funny thing happened tonight - the boys experienced their first ice cream headaches! Haha! We went to Goldenspoon after church and they piled in the frozen yogurt fast and furious. Austin was crying - "I'm sick" while holding his head and eye. Good times! Here's a cool article on it, too.
posted by Unknown @ 9:44 PM |
Beat Jason 5 Games to 1 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
That's it, really. Just wanted to point it out and have record of it somewhere. We've got more raquetball duels for Monday and Tuesday set up, so look out.
posted by Unknown @ 4:28 PM |
2 Weeks Back has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
We're talking about possibly having the guy from 2 Weeks Back on the SYM Podcast show in the coming weeks. If you haven't visited the website and read some of his stuff, you need to go check it out immediately. Scott has made some GREAT observations about students and youth ministry, the website and videos are not to be missed - hopefully we can get him on the show soon!
posted by Unknown @ 9:59 AM |
Raquetball and Passion has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Today's schedule includes a couple or raquetball games against Jason (the saga continues) and leading tonight's Passion venue at Saddleback Church. We wanted to go visit Jake and Scott at the new Saddleback San Clemente church plant, but it looks like we've got to table that for a week or two because Sea World kicked our butts.
posted by Unknown @ 9:55 AM |
Sea World Annual Fun Pass
Saturday, April 22, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
OK, we did it. We spent the $200 and will be making semi-regular trips to San Diego. We bought the Fun Pass at Sea World, and that's that. And for what it's worth, we followed the honor system I was contemplating cheating earlier in the week and even bought one for Austin.
It was a blast! We arrived at 4PM and stayed through the closing fireworks display. Caught the Shamu show, sea lions, dolphins and everything. Drove through the rain home and tucked the kids in bed quick. They're cradling their Shamu toys and drifting off to sleep. And so am I.
posted by Unknown @ 11:22 PM |
Kurt Johnston: Junior High Blogger has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
My friend Kurt Johnston launched his blog today. He's the man over in the Wildside ministry at Saddleback. That's church for junior highers in our setting, and it is rocking these days. You'll want to add his blog to your list of daily sites, his will focus primarily on youth ministry life and ministry to 6-8th graders. Should be a riot, too, he's a funny guy with a legit heart. Stay tuned!
posted by Unknown @ 11:19 PM |
Speaking in Michigan Next Week
Friday, April 21, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Next week?
PDYM Community Lunch
Pass It On
Then I'm headed to Michigan - Spring Arbor is hosting a PDYM Training Day and 1 one of 5 speakers talking about the purposes a week from tomorrow to a crowd of youth workers. Should be fun - the conference host is Vince Beresford, a PDYM mentor in Michigan who is about to head out here to California as a pastor. Should be fun - if you're in the area I'd love to hook up for some Famous Dave's or local delicacies and talk shop.
Then it's off to Seattle next Monday! This is going to be a busy couple of weeks!
posted by Unknown @ 9:25 PM |
Cool Email Tool in the Works has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
SYM is about to launch some seriously sweet new newsletters, so we're building in some tools to make subscribing to emails easier. I mean, if we're going to spend all that time coming up with free content and cool promotions, then we want people to see, read and take advantage of them. Here's a preview of a new page we'll be taking live next week (after I finish one last pass on a bug in the iFrame command for all the geeks out there).
Works quite nicely, notice the new podcast email and the subscription to the PDYM Neighborhood, too!
posted by Unknown @ 9:22 PM |
Maybe Drew Was Right has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
OK, so it's been a few months since I played softball - and it showed tonight. I pitched all 5 innings, but tossed so many low-arch meatballs that they owned me over the left-field fence. That, and our team managed a paltry 5 runs, too. Shoot! Oh well, it was a REALLY fun time, its just so much more fun when you win.
Unrelated: some friends are off to see The Sentinel tonight - which basically is a Jack Bauer ala 24-the-TV-show-turned-movie. I really want to see it, but we need a family night so maybe later this weekend.
posted by Unknown @ 9:12 PM |
New SYM Podcast Email Up has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
You can now subscribe to an email alert on the SYM Podcast page, where we will send out a little note letting people know when a new show is online and/or other random funny bits and eBay stuff we do just for subscribers. Should be a good time - check it out and subscribe today!
posted by Unknown @ 3:23 PM |
Beat Jason 3 Games to 1 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Another day, another scathing beating of my good friend Jason. In this week's adventure I'm now up 8 - 2, which is a pretty solid case of domination, even for the Indianapolis Colts. I'm typing this blog in between sips of the icey cold Melon Propel he purchased for me (read: 'Christian' bet), which I would also give a strong 4 out of 5 rating. Pretty tasty, especially when coupled with the sweet taste of a good racquetball beatdown.
Softball game tonight, I got the call up to the big leagues. I'll be on the mound at 6:30PM!
posted by Unknown @ 3:18 PM |
Why Monday Night Football is the Best has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
I watch MNF not because of great football, but because I talk to my dad every week during the entire 4th quarter. OK, Tivo has shaken that up a bit, because of busy lives and the mutual hatred of commercials it does get a bit complicated. They should make a TiVo control that allows you to watch the same thing that is on someone else's TV, so you can be synced together. Everything is better with friends (community) so this feels like a no brainer.
How long until football season again?
posted by Unknown @ 8:23 AM |
Tell Me You Watch the Office has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
The Office - maybe the best show on television, for sure in the Top 3.
Here's a few things you should know about it:
1) The phones from the Office are the same ones that Purpose Driven uses, which were also featured on 24 last season (aside: I use the same ringer and say "send it to my screen" all of the time).
2) Andy from Simply Youth Ministry has the same phone as Michael Scott
3) Dwight's blog is the greatest
4) 10 exclusive episodes coming to iTunes this summer
5) Their parody of "The More You Know" is not to be missed.
Even though it was a rerun last night, I couldn't help but watch it and laugh out loud.
posted by Unknown @ 8:16 AM |
Beat Jason 5 Games to 1
Thursday, April 20, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
I don't know how many active racquetballers we have out there, but I beat Jason Pogue (from the PD Conference team) 5 games to 1 this afternoon. This was, of course, still hopped up on whatever Starbucks and chocolate milk was left in my body - so I think I'll go home and crash now. Nice jacuzzi at LA Fitness, too.
Another thought: we often put a modest "Christian wager" (read: <$2) on the best of 5 series a few days a week. Is that wrong? Is it really gambling if you don't lose? Now when Jason gets better at this little game, perhaps I'll feel some conviction about it and have to stop. Haha!
posted by Unknown @ 5:42 PM |
Haven't Thrown Up in a While has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Well, it's been several years since I've thrown up, but I can say that today I broke that streak. Natalie and I had a little competition at work today involving mass quantities of Starbucks beverages and chocolate milk. Let's just say I won, but paid dearly for it. Look for it soon on the SYM Podcast video feed or in the next newsletter.
Off to play raquetball.
posted by Unknown @ 2:47 PM |
WOW Awards Coming Soon has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Just preparing for a meeting over at the church about loving on our volunteers next month - we typically do a big WOW Awards ceremony once a year filled with worship, laughter and love. I stumbled across this one, which made me laugh out loud. Love those guys over at Granger. Wow.
Granger SNL Parody - Volunteer Appreciation
Super funny.
posted by Unknown @ 10:15 AM |
Saddleback Church Has Old People, Too has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
One of my parents' first observations about Saddleback Church was how much "gray hair" was present on a typical weekend. They were shocked to see so many older people in the service. It seems that some people think that Saddleback and/or big churches only cater to the young, trendy people in the community, so it was refreshing to see my parents eyes opened after what they may have heard or expected. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
posted by Unknown @ 10:05 AM |
No Blogs for The Underground has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Here at SYM we have two floors, we have an Underground and the Loft. The Loft has all agreed to blogging, the underground has all declined. So this is what I'll do - tomorrow you'll get a video tour of the SYM offices with my camera video phone. I'll start outside and work through the Underground and up through the Loft to the hallowed podcast studio.
Should be fun.
posted by Unknown @ 9:10 AM |
Gamertag on Xbox Live
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Me and the guys play Xbox 360 WAY to much. Want to join us?
I'm theforcenet if you want to track down my GamerTag and end up on my friends list. Current favorites include Geometry Wars, Ghost Recon (GRAW) and Call of Duty 2. Also, I just added my Gamercard to the main news page of this blog, too! Look for it on the right of this post - nice!
posted by Unknown @ 8:24 PM |
Hang in There Volunteer has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Marc Woodson is a great guy who loves youth workers. During a recent speaking engagement at the Southeastern California Conference I found out that of the entire group of 50 SDA youth workers represented only 3 of them were full or even part-time. The rest were all volunteer! If you are in that category, thank you for loving on students. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Sometimes when I think youth worker I think shallowly just about the full-time ones so this was a great reminder. Hang in there!
Special congrats to Candi for picking up The Power of Sex super-series and the Saddleback Resource Notebook, in our special drawing from SYM, too!
posted by Unknown @ 8:15 PM |
Translating PDYM to Slovak has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
I didn't even know they needed PDYM, but after a great conversation back at PDYM with this guy, it became obvious. Let's get cracking on translating!
posted by Unknown @ 8:12 PM |
If You Want to Buy Me Something has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Random thought:
If you ever wanted to buy me something, here's a list of some things I'm currently in the market to buy and/or can't afford and/or wife thinks I'm crazy for wanting. I know this is something you've been thinking about, so let me take the guesswork out of it.
Xbox Live Marketplace Points
BBQ brush
A Remote control commander
Tickets to American Idol Finale
A position in the Bush administration (there seems to be a lot of openings right now)
Blazing Angels - Xbox 360
Honey Roasted Cashews
Starbucks gift card
posted by Unknown @ 8:10 PM |
The Forums Will Return has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!

posted by Unknown @ 4:43 PM |
SYM Friends Now Online has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
I just set up blogs for the rest of the SYM Loft (that means just the upstairs) staff. This is fun. Doug should be gone more often ...
Check out my friends:
posted by Unknown @ 3:55 PM |
American Idol has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
My super tall friend Josh and I went to American Idol up in Hollywood the other night. It was on the CBS lot (isn't that a Fox show?) but they didn't allow cameras so sorry no pics. It was the show where Mandisa got voted off and Kenny Rogers performed. Oh well. But we got on TV! One of our friends' relatives works on the show and hooked us up. Couple of observations after finally being in the studio audience:
1) My friend is a little too into Katherine McFee
2) Chris should win the whole show hands down
3) Bucky's family were very nice
4) I'm still in love with Paula Abdul
5) Ryan Seacrest looks better beardless
6) Simon has soft hands
posted by Unknown @ 2:04 PM |
Sea World Scandal? has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Every year our family gets an annual admission pass to some park or attraction, last year it was the Taco Bell Discovery Science Center which was a very good time. We went like 5 times so definitely got some bang for our buck there.
Sea World is running a pretty good special these days on their Fun Pass. Apparently, you buy a park entrance for one day and get the rest of 2006 for free - unlimited admission, no strings attached. Will we use this like the science museum last year? I think so, but here's the thought:
Admission is totally free if you're 2 years of age or under. My boy Austin is 2 right now, but will turn 3 mid-year in August. What are the chances of them actually checking his age after we've bought the mimimum number of family passes? Would they catch us in the act? Hey, how do they check the age of a kid anyhow? This sounds like the perfect white-collar crime (think Enron but on a much smaller scale), a chance for me to stick it to the man and save a few bucks.
So as of right now my integrity is worth $43.
posted by Unknown @ 12:28 PM |
Contact Me
Saturday, April 1, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
If you want to drop me a line, just shoot an email to joshg at
I'd love to hear from you!
posted by Unknown @ 11:24 AM |