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My Friend Josh

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Just found out my youth pastor friend Josh Treece from The Journey in San Diego has a blog, too. Here's a quick shoutout to him and a link if you want to read his journey. He's a young youth pastor that somehow got mixed up in junior high. And ladies, that's right ((cue the music)), he's a bachelor. Delicious! You'll for sure want to see him play a Kieth Urban song, too. Much love, Josh, let's get lunch soon.


posted by Unknown @ 3:19 PM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 4/26/2006, Blogger Josh(ua) Treece said...

Dude, the fact that you sadi "delicious" after saying I was a bachelor caused 2 reactions in me:

1) An immediate spewing out of water from my mouth because I laughed so hard.

2) An immediate thought of "Dang...Josh (you not me) sounds super creepy!"

You're the man!

P.S. I have an idea: Let's have a blog debate. Most kick but Star Wars Character or Some Movie: I liked it, Josh hated it. We could post both sides on our blogs!

What do you think?



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