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Cliche Movie of the Year Award

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OK, I liked The Sentinel. It was pretty good, a solid C+. I enjoyed it, but the whole formula was tired, the whole plot was played out and the entire film was effortlessly predictable. The first 2/3rds of the film are enjoyable and really do draw you in, the end becomes as predictable and cliche as can be. Not impressed, but still enjoyed it. Besides, always good hanging with friends.

Here's a few reasons why it is a strong AVERAGE film, if you've seen the film you'll know what I'm talking about:

There's more, but it's late and I still want to catch the REAL 24 on TiVo from last night. Good diversion, average film. If you've seen The Negotiator, The Fugitive, Ransom or anything recent with Harrison Ford, you've seen this film.


posted by Unknown @ 11:57 PM |

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