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A Break in the Action

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Is your youth group the same every week? You know - a few songs, maybe a video, a talk then some announcements every week? We sometimes get in a rut, too, and perhaps we train students to tune out certain elements of the night. Well, they tune out the announcements for sure.

Here's something we tried this week that got a little buzz among the other volunteers - the result was attentive students. Instead of placing everything in its own little programmed and expected box, we messed everything up. Here's the order of service for this past weekend.
As we debriefed the weekend, it seemed like it was more of a familiar television format. Engage the audience right from the start, then give them breaks or "commercials" every 10 minutes or so. Right after the break, reengage them and get back into the story. It all ends with a powerful conclusion that leaves them with a glimpse at next week.

Interesting to change it up. Fun weekend.


posted by Unknown @ 3:52 PM |

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At 11/20/2006, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

That actually sounds like a super cool approach to a service. Our leadership team met yesterday afternoon, and one of our team challenges is to find ways to make our services more memorable and more meaningful. I was surprised how team members remember specific sermons because of the "extra" things we did: gave away a keepsake item, had a unique teaching video instead of a sermon, did a "3 point sermon" over three weeks instead of one night (ala Andy Stanley/"Communicating for a Change"). This is another template we'll be examining and bouncing around to see what we can learn. Thx!


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