A Break in the Action
Monday, November 20, 2006
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to DownloadYouthMinistry.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Is your youth group the same every week? You know - a few songs, maybe a video, a talk then some announcements every week? We sometimes get in a rut, too, and perhaps we train students to tune out certain elements of the night. Well, they tune out the announcements for sure.
Here's something we tried this week that got a little buzz among the other volunteers - the result was attentive students. Instead of placing everything in its own little programmed and expected box, we messed everything up. Here's the order of service for this past weekend.
- Welcome
- Explain game (the endurance challenge I posted about earlier)
- Throw footballs at game participant
- Speaker intro talk
- Check in on endurance test
- Discussion questions
- Funny video on endurance
- Speaker point #1
- Check in on endurance test
- Discussion questions
- Funny video on endurance
- Speaker point #2
- Check in on endurance test
- Discussion questions
- Funny video on endurance
- Speaker point #3
- End of endurance challenge
- 2 songs
- Quick closure of talk
- 2 announcements
- prayer
Interesting to change it up. Fun weekend.
posted by Unknown @ 3:52 PM |
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 11/20/2006, Rob Cunningham said...
That actually sounds like a super cool approach to a service. Our leadership team met yesterday afternoon, and one of our team challenges is to find ways to make our services more memorable and more meaningful. I was surprised how team members remember specific sermons because of the "extra" things we did: gave away a keepsake item, had a unique teaching video instead of a sermon, did a "3 point sermon" over three weeks instead of one night (ala Andy Stanley/"Communicating for a Change"). This is another template we'll be examining and bouncing around to see what we can learn. Thx!