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Why Do They Read?

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My wife had a great conversation with a person who reads my blog daily - and I mentioned to her that maybe she should read my blog, too. She answered, "I think I already know what's on it - you probably blogged about us getting passes to Disney and how much dietary fiber there is in popcorn."

I thought, "Man, I haven't posted about the popcorn* yet."


*Air-popped popcorn has 2.4 grams of fiber per cup. This is more than a slice of whole wheat bread and most breakfast cereals.

posted by Unknown @ 11:11 PM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 1/21/2007, Blogger JasonJEM said...

Pure clean fun, and on the internet that's harder and harder to come by.

At 1/21/2007, Blogger Allison said...

Technically, you still haven't actually blogged on popcorn because that font is so small I can't read it.

At 1/21/2007, Blogger Julie Hibbard said...

It was GREAT to meet your beautiful wife and new little baby! I DO enjoy your blog each day, Josh! Look forward to meeting YOU one of these days too!!

At 1/22/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, everytime on log on i think to myself...check the news or read the 'griffin blog'....griffin blog everytime!!


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