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Proud Annual Pass Holders

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A little dream came true this week - we got a nice gift at Christmas with the instructions to "get something for the family you normally wouldn't get" and that's exactly what we did. The Griffins are now card-carrying members of the Magic Kingdom. We had a blast tonight, and despite having about 30% black-out dates, we're going to get a lot of use out of them this year.

Merry Christmas all year long!


posted by Unknown @ 11:58 PM |

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At 1/20/2007, Blogger Mike Lovato said...

Dude, we had passes for like 3 years, ditched them for a year, and missed them a ton! Then we got new ones for Christmas! It's such an easy date night (or family night for you guys). You'll love it. We'll have to meet up there sometime.

At 1/21/2007, Blogger Andrew said...

Be sure to get a Dole-whip from the juice bar at the tiki-room; they're AMAZING. It's the one thing I make sure I do every time I go.


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