Pictures from The Gathering
Wednesday, September 27, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Couple of pics from The Gathering today - good times were had by all. Great conversations about dealing with senior pastors, pride, resource sharing, kids and more. So great - and ESPNZone tonight!
posted by Unknown @ 2:20 PM | has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 9/27/2006, said...
This blog is awesome! Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to post it! I love your blog and I think bloggin is great (no matter what Doug thinks!) It is worth the $5. - At 9/27/2006, Ken Leslie said...
Now I have proof I was there and didn;t just go to Disneyland. Thanks Josh!
- At 9/27/2006, yazz said...
aw how cute. how are you?
- At 9/27/2006, Todd said...
wish I was able to be with you guys Josh. Next year!
- At 9/27/2006, Unknown said...
a great day! thanks! and here i thought you were just taking our picture because we were such a great group.
- At 9/28/2006, Jim Clark said...
I just have to say... "Who is that awesome dude in that Bears uniform?" That guy looks like an incredible youth worker... ;)