Why Racquetball is the Best Sport
Saturday, August 12, 2006
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OK, so I lost today. Badly. Even with the new racquet. To a 62-year-old man. But desite that humilitation, I think racquetball just might be the perfect sport. Here's why:
1) Calories are burned at a phenomenal rate. Many suggest
that this is about as good an exercise as any, even competing with climbing stairs and running a 9-minute mile. Both of which I avoid at all costs.
2) Racquetball is competitive. For a guy, this is life. I watch competitive eating, poker and darts because there is a winner and a loser. Typically in racquetball I'm the loser, but at least I'm burning calories. Lost 30 lbs last year.
3) It takes two. Accountability is built in to the game. If you really don't feel like going to the gym, who cares, it's not like the treadmill is going to call and ask where you are. But Frank will, and he'll be mighty upset if you do it more than a few times. I was 4 minutes late today, and he told me he was about to give up on me. Awesome.
In short, if you're not playing racquetball ... well, you could be out of the Lord's will. Repent!
posted by Unknown @ 1:20 PM |
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- At 8/12/2006, Rob Cunningham said...
I used to play racquetball. Then I sprained my ankle badly in a game. Does that mean I was out of God's will? Or was I in God's will but am now out of God's will because I haven't played in almost 3 years? Help me, bible answer man.
- At 8/12/2006, Unknown said...
Guys, this is EASY. Satan now has a foothold on your life. Did you go to counseling? JG
- At 8/12/2006, Rob Cunningham said...
Actually, I think Satan has an anklehold. Wouldn't that be more theologically correct? And who told you about the counseling?