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Txt Msgs

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I just did some quick figuring on my phone - I send and receive about 500 texts a month. That's less than I would have thought.


posted by Unknown @ 7:53 PM |

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At 12/03/2007, Blogger samwise said...

is there a relationship bewteen events and the amount txts you receive...i.e. youth summit, slc? me thinks so. also i recently surveyed our teens (including my youngest) they average somewhere around 9,000 a month. amazing.

At 12/03/2007, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...


november's total: close to 2900, i believe

average month: 1400-1500

but yea, students i know with unlimited texts seem to be doing at least 3000 a month, some do many, many more

ps: thx for helping boost my november numbers lol

At 12/04/2007, Blogger Insured Asset Solutions said...

I had 3,853 text messages on my bill last month. Thank God for unlimited texts (and I only pay $7.50 for it too).


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