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Book Review: The Last Season

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This birthday gift was a perfect read on the plane to Atlanta today. I managed to get in all 300 pages before we landed - and thoroughly enjoyed it since it is way out of the field of youth ministry. Or is it? My first impression was surprise at how honestly Lakers' coach Phil Jackson spoke about Kobe and Shaq, and how the NBA works behind the scenes - really fascinating stuff.

The best leadership lessons I picked up were the challenge Phil faced when he pushed his team. He always wanted to push his people, but not too far. A leader pushes people to the edge, but has to be careful to not push them off the cliff. He shares honestly about successes and failures in his leadership.

It's well written, intriguing and only occasionally gets mired down in basketball stats and minutia. A surprisingly interesting read! B


posted by Unknown @ 9:21 PM |

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