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What is Best for Our Students

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This is what is best for our students.

I'm a sucker for this line. What is says is that tradition is out the window if it doesn't work anymore. It says that what we need to do is stick with what has been working, even if we've done it for a hundred years.

It means that someone has done tons of research for this statement and has thought about both the positives and the negatives. They've answered the questions people will be thinking when they hear about a big shift in methodology. They are ready to stand by this, ready to fight for it to be the best.

Couple of warnings - don't say this if you won't stand behind it. Don't say this if you haven't done your homework. Don't say this unless you're willing to accept the blame of it bombs or not willing to share the praise when it succeeds.

Only do what is best for your students.


posted by Unknown @ 5:04 PM |

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At 11/19/2007, Blogger Ronnie said...

do i detect a bit of cynicism or maybe some josh angst. come on, what's the story fueling this blog?

At 11/19/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Josh angst ... maybe passion? No backstory really, just what I feel is clear direction that will help cut through agendas and keep you focuses on your audience and not sacred cows.


At 11/20/2007, Blogger Jessica Torres said...

I couldn't agree more.

At 11/20/2007, Blogger Pastor Kevin said...

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At 11/20/2007, Blogger Pastor Kevin said...

Of course this also relates to adult ministry as well... Since I didn't grow up in church the reason of "because it's always been that way" when discussing why we do something drives me batty :)

At 11/20/2007, Blogger Allison Murray said...

sometimes what is best for our students isn't easy for us. Sometimes what is best for our students isn't obvious to our students right away. Sometimes what is best for our students makes them pretty unhappy with us. Sometimes what is best for our students is really hard...but hopefully, eventually, worth it.


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