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Video Game Review: Mutant Storm Empire

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This is a beautiful little game that arrived on the Xbox LIVE Arcade last week - I've got the original and loved it so why not pick up the $10 sequel? The format of gameplay has changed just a bit, but it's a solid game that is better than the original. I do miss some of the more creative powerups (like homing missiles) and bombs that to did extensive damage. Still though, every time I play I get intense. The timeless and simple control scheme works well here, one stick moves your ship and the other shoots.

The only possible downside is the game is way too short. Brilliant! A-


posted by Unknown @ 10:05 AM |

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At 11/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(got here via BlogRush)

Sounds like a wack game from the title, but "can't judge a book by its cover" or in the gaming world "can't judge a game by its name".


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