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Video Game Review: Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warefare

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Was fortunate enough to borrow this game from Jaime and managed to beat it over the past 2 chunks of free time I had - in a total playing time of just less than 6 hours. But being just a bit short is about the only substantial flaw in this game - the graphics are unreal, the story is compelling and the gameplay is fun. At its heart it remains a Call of Duty game (if you've played any of the first 3 it'll feel somewhat familiar) but it is far and away the best in the franchise.

The much lauded AC-130 gunship levels deserves all of the praise it is getting, the Javelin tank killer is unreal, the graphics are superb and there's one sequence - that I won't spoil here - that is a video game first and I've been telling friends about all day. It plays almost like a movie, and deserves to be played by all.

It is graphic, contains some strong language, very realistic, and probably isn't a title you'll be playing in the back of the youth room. All in all a stunning new title that looks and plays amazing on the 360. A+


posted by Unknown @ 2:10 PM |

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At 11/18/2007, Blogger Nuttster said...

I want this game so much. If it wasn't for the fact that I haven't hardly satisfied my thirst for Halo 3 and Call of Duty 3 (both recent buys), I would be on this in a heartbeat ... but I don't have time to play all three to my heart's content! I'm probably gonna pick this one up when the price drops a bit ...


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