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The Unifying Cross

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I liked the new article on Christian Post today from Greg Stier. Here's a clip of it, thought this was the most interesting point:
1. The message of the cross unites our efforts.

I reminded the audience that whether they were Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, non denominational or other denominational if they have put their faith alone in Christ alone then we were united in a kind of communion of the soul by the torn body and shed blood of Christ. Whatever someone’s philosophy of ministry is (“I am of Doug Fields” or “I am of Ron Luce” or “I am of Duffy Robbins”) if they have put their faith in Jesus then we are blood brothers/sisters in Jesus.

The cross unifies our efforts without compromising our theology because on top of Mt. Calvary all of the great doctrines that make Christianity Christian come together.

posted by Unknown @ 11:04 AM |

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