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Team Service

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Eating at Lucille's BBQ the other day the waitress informed us that while she was our waitress, the staff practiced "team service." She went on to explain that we could ask any of the wait staff of management for anything and we would get exactly what we needed immediately. I didn't think too much of it at the time, but letting it simmer for a while helped me see a useful parallel to youth ministry.

When a student comes to you for an answer - even if it's not within your "job description" - jump in and help them. Everyone should be informed of the basic programs and events on the calendar - the start times, when we'll get back, costs, deadlines, purpose, etc. When a parent asks a question about philosophy, anyone and everyone should know the answer. The larger a church staff of volunteer team gets the easier it is to slip into extreme professionalism and in some ways become unfriendly to the customer.

That must be fought with reckless abandon. At the end of the day, this is about caring for people, which we are all in the business of doing. Too often we leave it up to one champion to handle all of the requests from a particular area, when we should be practicing team service.


posted by Unknown @ 11:41 AM |

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