Random Programming Ideas
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to DownloadYouthMinistry.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Just thinking today about programming - any of these useful to you?
- For a series on growth or discipleship, maybe consider Starting Your Day Off Right as a title and putting cereal and milk on each of the tables. Talk about the importance of a good breakfast and spending time with God.
- For a series on unity, maybe buy Rock Band and have them do the opening number. Put the game up on the big screen and crank it up. This might just be a fun stand-alone opener as well.
- Interrupt right in the middle of a song and talk about how worship is more than music.
- Postsecret is a brilliant concept. Is there a student ministry series in there somewhere? Of yes, there sure is.
posted by Unknown @ 8:56 AM |
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 11/20/2007, Nuttster said...
I actually have been saving my favorite postcards, or pretty much any of them that I thought I would use as an illustration, for the last year or so from Postsecret. They can be POWERFUL illustration tools, and every few months to half a year I grab some for a message.
I have used them when talking about people struggling with addictions, with feelings of self worth, family stuff, and even in "big church." Last year I did the sanctity of life Sunday sermon and I spoke about having compassion and a heart for those who have had an abortion. I had a bunch of postcards from people on the blog who had talked about that secret and what it has done to them in keeping it, whether it's been hard or they were okay with it or whatever. Basically, I was trying to paint a picture of the fears, and the thoughts so that we could understand a bit better - we can definitely reach out to someone more effectively if we empathize and that site is a powerful tool in doing that. : ) - At 11/20/2007, Nuttster said...
lol ... I forgot to mention, so far I've saved about 245 postcards off Postsecret. Some of them just really hit me. I've also used the music video, "Dirty Little Secret," in talks. Very powerful use of the postsecret cards in that song; well worth the two bucks on iTunes!
- At 11/20/2007, Unknown said...
thanks for the tips, Josh (and Matthew) - I just ran across this "dirty little secrets" music video this weekend at the YS Conference in ATL, and like the ideas of using these postcards for illustrations and visuals. Just checked out the website, but is there any way to see previous postcards - looks like they just post on Sunday and Wednesday, but no history to view? (btw - go to postsecretcommunity.com and you can hear audio secret posts)
- At 11/20/2007, Nuttster said...
Yeah, they only show the current week's postcards; I've been saving a few a week for the last couple years. There are two or three books out that are collections of the most popular/powerful ones - there are links to that on the bottom of the Postsecret blog.