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Playing Xbox Too Much?

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If you (or your kids, I suppose?) are playing Xbox 360 too much, there's a new parental control download coming out in December that will limit the amount of time the system can be on a day. Interesting ... wonder how long it will be before my kids will find a way around it? They love them some Xbox ...
Another all-new parental tool unveiled today is the Xbox 360 Family Timer, an addition to the console's existing set of industry-leading parental control features. The new Xbox 360 Family Timer can restrict children's activity time and can be set on a per-day or per-week basis. Helpful notifications will appear to warn the gamer that the session is nearing the end, and the feature will automatically turn off the console when the predetermined time limit has been exceeded. The Family Timer feature will be available for download via Xbox LIVEĀ® in early December.

posted by Unknown @ 1:01 PM |

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