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The Expendable Crewman

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You've watched Star Trek, right? You know someone is about to die when a no-name actor, no name character boards the shuttle down to the planet accompanied by two main stars. Sure enough, a few moments later the star actors are OK and somehow the low ranking, forgettable character ends up dead.

He has become to be known as the "expendable crewman."

Thought Perry had some noble thoughts on the subject today as it relates to pastors and the church, here's an excerpt:

One night I was in my bed and began to worry about the church–what would have happened to it if I would have died? Who was going to lead it during my time away? Were all the things that needed to take place going to happen? What if someone forgot to do something and I wasn’t there to make it all better?

I had fallen into the trap that so many pastors fall into–I thought the church could not function without me.

So…God put me flat on my back for several weeks in a row to show me how AWESOME He is and how unimpressive I am. During the course of my freaking out about the church He just kept telling me, “Hey Perry, the church is MY Bride, not yours…and I will take care of her!” I came face to face during my hospital stay that me being used by God is because of His grace and kindness–NOT because he just could not get things done without me.

Since then I am very up front and honest about the fact that the church does not need me to succeed, it needs Jesus. I have said from the stage many times, “Do not put your trust in Perry Noble because that will lead you straight to hell…the world does not need me, it needs Jesus!!!”

Remember today that you are nothing, Jesus is everything. Humility never loses.


posted by Unknown @ 8:39 AM |

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At 11/08/2007, Blogger Mike Lovato said...

I love that you said Perry had some Noble thoughts. Awesome.

At 11/08/2007, Blogger Mandy said...

I love to see that you posted four times today, despite the fact that you are a father of seven this week. I'm going to take that as a good sign.


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