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Book Review: What Would You Do?

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Just finished up the book What Would You Do? by Kevin Mahaffy and really enjoyed it. Basically it's a collection of discussion starting questions from the likes of Doug Fields' Would You Rather? and Brian Schulenburg's Choose Your Top 3. It's something that I think you might thumb through when searching for a small group icebreaker, a table talk question in a big setting, or something to help you start some basic discussions with any student.

The questions range from the business world (What would you do if Apple put Microsoft out of business) to intensely personal (What would you do if you could one person back from the dead?). I enjoyed the book and think it would probably be a good tool to either give your small group leaders or have on your shelf when you need to find a quick connection point with someone. A-


posted by Unknown @ 8:54 PM |

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At 11/29/2007, Blogger Chris Hill said...

What would I do if I could bring one person back from the dead?

I'd always keep it in my pocket with detailed instructions on how to use it.


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