Which Announcements to Give?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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Had some questions this week about which verbal announcements would get delivered in big church. Apparently there were maybe 7 major announcements - all of them seemed pressing. Here's part of an email I sent to the group after the weekend was decided to help clarify future culture we would establish on the issue:
Just as an aside on this situation we just encountered ... I imagine it happens fairly regularly? Two schools of thought:So ... how do you determine which announcements get made in big church? What gets bumped, relegated or tabled? How do you determine which is a priority and which isn't?
THE BIG IDEA is a recent book that encourages churches to focus on one central theme for the weekend with action steps and announcements, worship - everything, really - centered on the message. Might be something to consider to best determine priority of announcements. To put that philosophy into action here: Rwanda wins out as it was the central adult message this past weekend.
SIMPLE CHURCH is another recent title that encourages churches to focus on a simple pathway for discipleship at all times. Everything else gets communicated through handouts, inserts, websites and bulletins. To put that philosophy into action here: the upcoming 40 days campaign wins out as thousands will join the campaign and grow spiritually.
posted by Unknown @ 1:48 PM |
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