Video Game Review: Halo 3
Thursday, October 4, 2007 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Wow, this game is absolutely impressive. Everything that was groundbreaking about Halo 1 and great about Halo 2 is back, bigger and more intense.
The 4-player co-op single player campaign is the newest addiction, and multiplayer is better than ever. In short, this is the game of the year for all systems - and that's saying a lot in a year of really fantastic games. It would have been nearly impossible for the game to live up to the hype, and yet somehow it does. Not quite finished with it, I'm actually trying to savor every minute of it and only playing with friends.
The worst possible thing to have while struggling with jet lag is a brand new copy of Halo 3. Not even that can stop me from Finishing the Fight. Go out and buy an Xbox 360 and a copy of this game now. A+
posted by Unknown @ 9:33 AM | has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 10/04/2007, Chris Day said...
I could not agree with you more. This game has gotten me back into gaming.
- At 10/04/2007, said...
I'm so psyched about this game. I just ordered a 360 this week and I'll be trading in my PS2 so I can get Halo 3. I'm crossing over from Playstation and never looking back!
- At 10/04/2007, Nuttster said...
It is good! : ) I actually saw you online last night playing it ... tear it up! I've had the craziest couple weeks and it's irritating as anything because I'm dying to play it and hardly have any time! I love the graphics, the story, the levels. Great stuff! The online matchmaker is a little weird to me, though; I'm used to picking which match I want to go into, but whatever. : )
- At 10/04/2007, Nick said...
Doesn't it automatically start with an "A" since it bears the name "HALO"? I haven't played it yet, but thanks for the gets me more pumped to play it!!!
- At 10/08/2007, said...
I'd love to hear your take on this story:
Honestly, I'm not sure where I stand on this.