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Using Video from the Public Space

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In several of my workshops in Australia and New Zealand I talked about how easy it is to use media from the public space - you can purchase some other great resources and you probably should, but there's a ton of it out there in the real world you can use at no cost. I mention the Dove Real beauty video as something that is super powerful they could use to illustrate a point they might be making.

As I was looking for the link to the campaign to send to the attendees as a follow-up, I noticed there's quite a few more out there in the same vein. The most powerful one is embedded above, and here's a link to a few more. Marko has some thoughts on it today, too.

The point is, use what is out there if you can. In many instances it is more powerful and relevant than what you can create yourself. Not to mention that video probably cost $50K to make, and your budget is like $11 from your own pocket.

I even used these ones during my MySpace as well as promised. So good.


posted by Unknown @ 12:14 PM |

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At 10/03/2007, Blogger Bob said...

Any tips on how to pull videos like this from YouTube to be shown through presentation software? I use mediashout and can show webpages through it, but you get the full page, not the video full screen.


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