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Star Wars TV Show Updates

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The thought of a Star Wars TV show still scares me, but I have to admit I'm cautiously excited. Here's a clip from TheForce.Net's latest report:
- Boba Fett will certainly be in the series and Rick wants Daniel Logan for the part.
- The series will be on cable.
- He will have a contract for 100 episodes and Rick hopes it will be extend to 400, maybe with Expanded Universe characters after the first 100.
- So no EU character for "now" in the live action show. All the characters will be new ones.

posted by Unknown @ 4:37 PM |

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At 11/01/2007, Blogger Corey Mann said...

I have heard Doug Fields use this illustration and I can't find it anywhere in my notes. He goes through what sounds like a laundry list of the screw ups in the bible...Noah was a drunk, David was a murderer, Rahad was a whore, Moses was a killer....do you know that list? If so, may I get that from you,....pretty please? There, I said it.

At 11/01/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Fields is gone, so I can't ask him ... here's one I found though?

EVE believed lies...ADAM listened to his wife rather than God...NOAH got drunk...ABRAHAM and SARAH were too old...ISAAC was a daydreamer...
JACOB was a liar...LEAH wasn’t pretty...JOSEPH was abused...MOSES was a murderer with a stuttering problem...GIDEON was afraid...SAMPSON had long hair, and was a womanizer! RAHAB was a prostitute!

JEREMIAH and TIMOTHY were too young...DAVID committed adultery and murder...ELIJAH was suicidal...
JONAH ran from God...NAOMI was a widow...JOB went bankrupt...JOHN the Baptist was called a devil...PETER denied Christ...THE DISCIPLES fell asleep while praying...
MARTHA worried about everything...MARY MAGDALENE was an immoral street woman...THE SAMARITAN WOMAN was divorced....more than once and living with a man!

MATTHEW was not respected...THOMAS was full of doubt...ZACCHEUS was too small...JOHN was exiled by the government...

or this one:

NOAH was a drunk....

ABRAHAM was too old..

ISAAC was a daydreamer....

JACOB was a liar..

LEAH was ugly...

JOSEPH was abused.

MOSES couldn't talk.

GIDEON was afraid....

SAMPSON had long hair, and was a womanizer!

RAHAB was a prostitute!

JEREMIAH and TIMOTHY were too young...

DAVID had an affair and was a murderer...

ELIJAH was suicidal.

ISAIAH preached naked.

JONAH ran from God.

NAOMI was a widow.

JOB went bankrupt.

JOHN the Baptist ate bugs...

PETER denied Christ...

The Disciples fell asleep while praying...

MARTHA worried about everything.

MARY MAGDALENE was demon possessed...

The SAMARITAN WOMAN was divorced....more than once!!

ZACCHEUS was too small.

PAUL was too religious...

TIMOTHY had an ulcer....




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