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The Right Volunteers

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Shane posted some great thoughts on the PDYM blog about volunteers. Here's a clip from some of his in the trenches learnings, head there for the rest and a host of other great recent posts from the community members:
We all have positions that need to be filled; yesterday. Youth guys are always in need of leaders. But be careful! Take your time when it comes to choosing adults that will come along beside you in ministry. Spend time praying and seeking God's direction on certain people you have in mind to be a part of your teen ministry.

My mistake ~ I did not ask enough questions. What are your beliefs? How would you handle this situation? What is your idea of ministry? Do you understand our Purpose Statement?

Rather than rush to fill the spot, take it slow and ask questions upfront. I am guilty of giving in to the panic that I felt to fill a position and to fill it quickly. I think to myself "I will have time later to sit and talk." But because of our schedules we all know "later" rarely comes. Ask questions ahead of time.

posted by Unknown @ 11:10 AM |

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At 10/19/2007, Blogger Stephen Barry said...

Those are some great points. We're about to do a ministry fair in a few weeks, so these are helpful. Thanks!


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