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Lunch Time Fun

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Had lunch with Chris Sligh who was in town for this week doing Hollywood stuff. Enjoyed lunch at Island's with a whole pile of friends from the high school, junior high and worship teams. So fun - thanks for Allison for the iPhone picture, too!


posted by Unknown @ 12:05 PM |

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At 10/25/2007, Blogger Chris Hill said...

I bet those evacuees hanging out at Qualcomm could use a lunch from Island's, or from anywhere for that matter. For Jesus to feed the 5000+, he needed the hands and feet of those willing to lend them.

At 10/25/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a problem...

I really wanted an iPhone before seeing this picture.

Now I really want an iPhone. That is great quality!

At 10/25/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Appreciate the comment, Christopher! Unfortunately, with the fires so close to our house and me having small children, I didn't think it was responsible to leave the area.

Our church is hosting all of the firefighters for lunch every day, and they are using the parking lots as a staging area for the equipment and such. More planned, but that's a start at least ...


At 10/25/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first response to Chris' comment was get all defensive over his sarcastic criticism, but after reading your reasonable, well-written response, I'll just shut up and pray for him, as well as for the people all around us who are losing their homes. I have to remember that out of state people have only the news reports to base their perceptions upon. Those of us living in the shadow of these incredible fires know all the things our churches are doing to aid the victims and fire fighters. Thanks.


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