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Halo 3 as an Outreach Tool

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Thought this was a solid perspective on Halo 3 and youth ministry. From this morning's Church Central. Here's a clip:

So what’s the bottom line on gaming for churches that want to reach teens? It may be as simple as paying attention to gaming as a part of the culture—learning the language, if you will. Ignoring games and trying to reach teens may be like eschewing PowerPoint and parking lots while trying to reach adults who continually see visuals in presentations and drive cars. In the same way, teens see games all the time, and drive Xboxes, PS2s, Game Cubes, Wiis and Nintendo DSs.

Churches can't offer teens a nice flannel graph story and expect to find an interested audience. Youth ministry leaders should get into the game if they want to reach the gamers.


posted by Unknown @ 10:55 AM |

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