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Talk Like a Pirate Day

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You know it's tomorrow, right? Don't forget!

Ahoy, while not as popular as [Christmas] or [Arbor Day], Talk Like a Pirate Day is a recognized and heartily celebrated international holiday. On September 19th, people awake transformed: their ‘oices deeper, their usual pedestrian walk replaced by a seaman’s swagger, and whene’er they speak, they speak with the ‘oice o’ a pirate.


founded by [John Baur and Mark Summers] durin’ a raquetball game and, coincidentally, occurin’ the same day’s as Mark’s ex-wife’s birthday, Talk Like a Pirate Day has taken the world by storm. A pence for an old man o’de sea?


posted by Unknown @ 9:31 AM |

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At 9/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying your blog!!! Wanted to send a little encouragement your way!


At 9/18/2007, Blogger Josh(ua) Treece said...

Dude, watch what type of swagger you walk with...

At 9/18/2007, Blogger Ange said...

Aye, i love talk like a pirate day, shiver me timbers!

At 9/19/2007, Blogger Bryant Johnson said...

arrgghh... you arghhh right matey! it's uh gloarrghious day!


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