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Movie Review: The Astronaut Farmer

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Just downloaded the movie The Astronaut Farmer on the Xbox 360 and watched it last night with the family. All in all, there's a good story buried in here somewhere, but honestly it's pretty hard to find. At the core, the message of the film is positive - it's about being together as a family, dreaming and doing the impossible.

Unfortunately, the journey to learn those lessons isn't all that interesting to watch. Even with a solid cast (Bruce Willis really isn't much more than a cameo, though) the film falters on most levels. Special effects, acting, script, cinematography - everything is budget or below average.

There's a couple of great scenes and great lines - even and a few creative shots - but all at the end of the day this family film fails to lift off. C-


posted by Unknown @ 10:16 AM |

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At 9/02/2007, Blogger Dana Kidder said...

gotta love Billy Bob though, he's one weird dude.


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