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The Most Satisfying Job in the World

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This has been circling around the ministerial staff today on email:

Just how satisfied are you with your work? The National Opinion Research Center asked more than 27,000 people that question. They say if you're like most people, you're not very happy with what you're doing. The group is releasing its list of the most fulfilling jobs. Apparently, job satisfaction has little to do with money. The most satisfying job, according the group, is the clergy. Cathedral of The Madeline Pastor Joseph Mayo says the reason may be because clergymen don't do it for the pay.

The survey says 87 percent of clergymen in the poll say they are very satisfied with their job. An average of 47 percent of all people across all fields say their very satisfied. He says, "They look at reality. They see the headlines, but they still want to do this kind of work with their lives." Father Mayo says the work allows him to give help to others and watch them progress in a spiritual way. Researchers say the act of helping others is a common thread among the many the most satisfying jobs. The top 10 most satisfying jobs are:

1. Clergy
2. Firefighter
3. Physical Therapists
4. Authors
5. Special Education Teachers
6. Teachers
7. Education Administrators
8. Painters and Sculptors
9. Psychologists
10. Security and Financial Services Salespeople


posted by Unknown @ 8:13 PM |

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