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Is it bad that there's a guy on my plane who looks exactly like Hurley?


posted by Unknown @ 8:24 PM |

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At 9/19/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hope your flight number is not 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 or 42, or any sequence of these together. Especially 815. :-)

At 9/19/2007, Blogger Mike Lewis said...

just creepy...that guy is huge.

At 9/20/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember, it's the flight back that you really have to worry about.

At 9/20/2007, Blogger Dana Kidder said...

was he late?

At 9/20/2007, Blogger Ange said...

"technically" it's a good thing he's on your flight. You'll survive, have food delivered to your island by helicopter, you'll see cool Dharma videos, AND get a new dog named Vincent. What could be better??

At 9/20/2007, Blogger Allison said...

It's worse if he's on the plane on your way home...

And it's also pretty bad that you have your technology up and running on your plane


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