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A Bungie Bit of Fun Tonight

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No, I still haven't played Halo 3 - this was a different kind of bungie fun.

Tonight after the last session the staff here took me up in Auckland's SkyTower, a tall spire over the heart of the city. You can actually see across the entire island - from the Tasmania Sea to the Pacific. Truly spectacular at sunset. My favorite part is that you can walk on thick glass at the top and look straight down. Brilliant!

Then we walked over to a bungie catapult device at the bottom, and one of my local pastor friends knew the guy working. Needless to say, a few minutes later we were rocketing into the New Zealand sky. This has been a fantastic day - a full day of teaching, and a fun nightrun with my new friends. Whew.

Last teaching day tomorrow... awesome.


posted by Unknown @ 3:32 AM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 9/29/2007, Blogger Allison said...

I'm glad you're having so much fun...but I can't help but miss you when we walk past your dark office! Come home soon! And bring GIFTS!

At 9/30/2007, Blogger Randy said...

dude! looks like so much fun!!!! I am jealous!!!!

At 10/02/2007, Blogger Pastor Jeff said...

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