10 Tips to Enjoy Halo 3
Monday, September 24, 2007
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You'll be playing this game tomorrow (if it's any consolation, it came out here in Australia already today) so I thought I would pass along 10 ways to get the most out of it. Enjoy!
1. Be Heroic. If you've played through Halo 1 and 2 (even if only on normal) then you should begin this adventure on Heroic. Normal difficulty is now actually easier as to cater to those who may only play one game a year. The difficulty affects enemy AI, but also will add more enemies to different areas and even allow for enemy reinforcements. While Heroic is slightly tougher than it was in Halo 2, it's also likely that you've grown your skills over time. It won't be easy, but that's the point. Don't short change yourself on experiencing everything the Brutes have to offer.JG
2. Stay for the Credits. Once you finish the fight, there is a lengthy cutscene. After this, you'll see a thank you not from Bungie. You'll be tempted to hit A, but don't. Wait and let the credits roll. You should take note of the folks who brought you the great experience of Halo 3, but more importantly, there is a second ending (the same on Normal, Heroic, and Legendary difficulty). And if you beat the game on Legendary (even if it's just the final level), you earn a very worthwhile additional ending.
posted by Unknown @ 4:22 AM |
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