Who Am I?
Monday, August 20, 2007
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Just finished posting an article on PDYMCommunity.com from Ben McClary - he wrote a great article after having been let go from 2 youth ministry positions this year. It's from his heart, and I think it'll speak to many. Here's a clip:
JGIt is a difficult task, especially for those of us who happen to be male, to keep good tabs on our identity. We seem to have this natural inclination to find our identity, our place in the world, our sense of personal value, in what we accomplish with the work of our hands. It is often traced by theologians, Christian psychologists, and other spiritual leaders back to the curse on the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3, where Adam is sentenced to hard work that will, from then on, consume his whole life. But what happens when the business folds? When we become unable to perform our work any more due to illness or injury? When we are fired?
I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time wrestling with this issue pretty hard for the past year or so. It is embarrassing, almost to a comical level, that I have the dubious record to share with you that I have been fired from not one, but two youth ministry jobs this past year—within less than seven months of each other! As you might imagine, this has come with a little bit more introspection than a simple “this is interesting.”
“What is wrong with me?” has been a constant theme in my thoughts. “What is God trying to teach me?” has been another recurring itch on my brain. “Have I gotten my whole life and calling wrong?” has been yet another. But what bubbles beneath all of these questions is the BIG one. “Who am I?”
posted by Unknown @ 1:09 PM |
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