The Start of Seminary
Sunday, August 26, 2007 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
OK, my first class starts in 20 minutes ... here we go!
Side note: Epistemology was in Microsoft Word's spell check. Amazing ...
posted by Unknown @ 4:39 PM | has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 8/26/2007, Joshua Johnson said...
I've got the shorter version of that book. I suspect I will get that version when I start sem.
- At 8/26/2007, Dan King said...
I remember that book .... I've used it a few times since I took the class it was used in. Enjoy!
- At 8/27/2007, said...
I have that book too. I read it in Seminary and have reread parts of it since.
- At 8/27/2007, Heather McTaggart said...
Best of luck in your new venture! BTW...when class let's out...we are at the HH! Bring the fam and join us!
- At 8/27/2007, Topherspoon said...
Great Book!
- At 8/27/2007, Folkestad said...
Gotta love the shorter version Christian Doctrine. We call it Millard Light.