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Seminary Orientation Love

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Learned a couple of great lessons today - the first being you never want to take a college library orientation that lasts nearly two hours. Man, those guys are excited about books. Enjoy the picture of me and a guy who is sleeping during the tour. We tried to set off the "book stealing alarm" a few times by throwing books through it, but apparentlyit was turned off. Bummer.The second less was that apparently blogging doesn't help you with grammar, as I learned per my placement test scores.

Reading this over, I think they may be right.

One last genuine observation: everyone is on equal footing in seminary freshman orientation. The 21-year old fresh-faced kid, the 21-year youth ministry veteran (and all in between like me). This is going to be an interesting experience, I can already tell. Swallow my pride and jump in - it's probably good for me. Right?


posted by Unknown @ 9:08 PM |

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At 8/19/2007, Blogger Mike Lovato said...

Did you meet Harvey in the library?

At 8/19/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yes ... hahaah ...


At 8/19/2007, Blogger Randy said...

Ah good times in the Lib! It was a blast learning about how to best utilize our seminary experience! See you at ESF!!!


At 8/20/2007, Blogger NoBadDaysCourtney said...

I can't lie I really thought this was a picture of you pointing at a sleeping Taylor Hicks. HAAAAAAAA.

At 8/21/2007, Blogger craig h said...

a) a quick editorial glance at your post does reveal a few glaring errors, but what's a little thrashed grammar among friends?

b) Courtney's right: that guy DOES look like Taylor Hicks.


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