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Saddleback Student Featured in the Register

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Just saw this tonight in the OC Register - one of the teens back from a mission trip to the Phillipines was featured for his participation and leadership in the PDYM Conference overseas. So cool! Here's an excerpt:

Alec Pedersen, a teen who enjoys swimming and hanging out with his friends, began his summer by going on a missionary trip to the Philippines. He learned about the outreach effort through a flyer on a bulletin board at Saddleback Valley Church.

Seeing that Pedersen was devoted to this trip, his parents helped him raise the money to participate. He also received donations from family and friends.The missionary trip was held from June 28 to July 9. While in the Philippines, he assisted pastors in holding a Purpose Driven Youth Ministry Conference in Manila.


posted by Unknown @ 8:32 PM |

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