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Book Review: The Power of Nice

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Just finished up the quick read Power of Nice. It's a great book that really focuses on being kind to others, loving your enemies, and putting other people before you.

Sounds like another book I read once.

There's some great stories that remind us that kindness is contagious and being nice will return exponentially to the giver. There's also some solid ideas at the end of each chapter to put niceness into action. Some of this comes naturally for me and perhaps my personality, but I always need to check myself and hear from someone else that everyone else is more important than me.

My hope is that this would all be old news to a Christian, and that we would be living in a world of kindness and care for people automatically. But let's be honest, we all need this reminder, and thankfully the message is packaged in a current and well-illustrated way.

I can think of a few people who could really use this book. Would it be nice to leave a copy on their desk?


posted by Unknown @ 12:01 AM |

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