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Book Review: Confident Parenting

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Last on the stack of books (since I still haven't been able to find Blogging Church in a local bookstore here on vacation) was Jim Burns' Confident Parenting. Each chapter starts with a story that introduces and contextualizes the principles in the following chapter. Kinda a 1/5 parable and 4/5 instructional book - and a good one at that.

Rather than focusing on connecting with a lost child like the other parenting book I read this week, this book is about starting right, course correcting and winning at parenting. The theme is confident and the writing style is definitely confident as well. These are winning proven strategies techniques and values a parent must have. It focuses on a couple of the same principles, pace of life and what matters most, like this other title from this week.

This is the first non-youth ministry book from Jim I've read, and I think this is a solid effort. Plenty of stories help move you through the book, and great content to go with it.


posted by Unknown @ 9:25 PM |

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