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Book Review: The Blogging Church

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Just wrapped up what is now my favorite book of the past month - The Blogging Church by Brian Bailey and Terry Storch. If you're wondering a) what this whole blogging thing is about, b) how to can take your blog to the next level or c) if a blog can be helpful or hurtful to your church - this is the book for you.

It takes you on a journey from the beginner to the advanced principles that make blogs work. The framework for the book is firmly the church and it really gives both sides to the question of whether or not a blog is right for you. Of course, the authors are great bloggers so you can see where they've landed on the issue personally. And obviously I'm super pro-blogging, so most of it was singing to the choir for me.

Two things really stood out to me - the first being lots of practical advice and strategy. If you have a blog, even a pretty good one, there's lots in here you should grab on to. I know my blog will be changing some due to my learnings (notably shaking up my blog roll and adding in a formal disclaimer). Secondly, I really enjoyed the interviews and advice from top bloggers. These are the people that have been there from the beginning or at the very least are very, very good at it. Lots to learn from the authors and from the people they interviewed for the book.

This is a book that needs to be in the hands of anyone who communicates (internally to a team or externally to the community) and the people that control your church's destiny on the web. Highly recommended.


posted by Unknown @ 9:05 PM |

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At 8/24/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a great book. I am almost done with it. I am using it as the book for our Strategic Blogging class at church. (read more about the class here)


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