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PDYM Neighborhood Summer Newsletter

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Just finished up coding the free summer newsletter from Purpose Driven Youth Ministry - if you don't get it you can sign up right here. Good stuff, including a new article from PDYM mentor Dan Gould talking about leaving a church, and how to transition well. Here's a clip, hit this link or wait for the newsletter to read it all:

Like many of you, my wife and I are reality show junkies. You name it we have probably watched it or know what it’s about. Sometimes there are great life lessons that can be gleaned from watching someone else’s journey. I think that’s why these shows are so popular. They keep us totally captivated with great anticipation of what will happen next!

With that being said, I want to invite you into our journey. Recently, my family and I made the move from Missouri to Texas to begin working with a new church. This was an unexpected move, meaning that it wasn’t on our radar! Especially since my wife was 6 months pregnant, we loved the church and the people we were doing life with, and the timing was just horrible. But we sensed that God was leading us away, and preparing us for a new season of life.

This leads us to a great question “How do you know when God calls you away?” I wish I had a great answer for this one, but I don’t. For us, it all started with a phone call.

Now this wasn’t the first phone call, but this call was different than any other. I remember after getting off the phone this feeling of uncertainty, fear, and a little bit of excitement. I was excited after hearing what God was doing in the church and where they saw the church going in the next couple of years. However, I wasn’t planning on packing my bags anytime soon, but I was open to the fact that maybe God was doing something here.

The next couple of days were filled with high anxiety and restless nights. My wife and I spent much time researching the church and the area as we prayed for guidance, and wisdom.


posted by Unknown @ 2:13 PM |

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