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Movie Review: Arctic Tale

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Just finished watching an advance screening of Arctic Tale with the kids up at the Block, nice to get an invite to a film I can watch with them.

It was a nice show, similar to March of the Penguins but with polar bears and walrus. It's also kind of your super-formulaic National Geographic show - we start with the birth of an animal, watch it grow and survive some harrowing experiences for it to become a mother and give birth and repeat the process again. Sprinkle in a few too many references to the ozone layer, the melting ice caps and conservation and you've pretty much nailed it. Think An Inconvenient Truth for Kids movie? Yup.

There are a couple of really great shots that should be seen by everyone, but compared to Planet Earth HD this just isn't quite as stunning. Queen Latifah does an aqeuate job as narrator. C-

Arctic Tale arrives in theaters July 25th and is rated G.


posted by Unknown @ 1:53 PM |

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