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I'm Wearing Camouflage Today

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I just heard an interview with Emma Watson, who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies. She was watching an interview of herself from the previous year, and when the clip was over she said, "Ugh, I was wearing camouflage! Camo is so out right now."

And then I look at what I was wearing - a T-shirt and camo shorts.

Hmmm ... not that I'm one to upset fashion trends anyhow - but today, to spite you little girl wizard, I will proudly wear camo.


posted by Unknown @ 8:47 AM |

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At 7/30/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7/31/2007, Blogger Insured Asset Solutions said...

It's all about the new digital camouflafe...the picture you posted is WAY out dated camouflage.


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