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Dealing with Email

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Saw that Tony put up a good post about the inbox flooding of emails, and how to deal with it. Good stuff, though I disagree with this paragraph:
There are plenty of people (and when I say plenty I mean Josh) who have hundreds or even thousands of emails in their inbox. For me, I want my inbox as clear as possible. It represents that I have addressed everything that has come my way. Not that I have “done” it, but that I have organized it for further action. By having my “@” folders in place I can very quickly go through my inbox and organize the information that has come my way into piles of similar action or response. When I have some time to read through materials I can go to my @toread folder and read through the emails and articles there all at once. Having this systems helps me to focus better in the different “modes” that all of us have to move between during a normal work day. But usually we are flying back and forth so quickly between them that we can’t focus or address the information very well. This system helps me to do a better job taking action on my information while helping me to actually go through it a a quicker pace.

posted by Unknown @ 10:24 AM |

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At 7/18/2007, Blogger Tony Steward said...

I agree, that guy has no idea what he is talking about...

At 7/19/2007, Blogger Jason Raitz said...

Good post(s)...but I agree with Tony, little in the inbox as possible. Thanks for blogging...Josh


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