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Interesting possible observation made listening to six of the most amazing special effects gurus in Hollywood. I sat in a press room with the guys behind most of the big films you know and love.

For about 1/2 an hour I listened to them talk about the good old days. They talked about what's wrong with the industry now. They talked about successes of the past. Really all of them talked about the good old days, except one named John, who was talking about the here and now.

The old way of doing special effects has really fundamentally changed. With the invention of the computer and the birth of the digital effects industry, no longer is there the same demand for model making, actual set building and miniature work.

Perhaps this concept is a bit generalized or oversimplified, but the point is - the times have changed.

You can talk about the good old days - what was and how it was a better time then - but the fact is, the revolution came and went and many were left behind. I'm not suggesting this to stomp on the old pioneering ways or to under-appreciate what people have done in the formative cutting edge past - I'm merely using it as a possible correlation to my personal and professional life to the here and now.

I must purposely advance or be left behind.
I'm not here to suggest that the old ways have all expired. These men are the reason movies like this exist. They created an industry, then the industry briskly advanced into the future.

The message remains the same, but the method must always change.

Either that, or we'll end up being the 5 guys in a room talking about the good old days and there will be 1 guy still making movies.


posted by Unknown @ 12:01 AM |

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