Happy Father's Day
Monday, June 18, 2007
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I love my kids and wife. What a great day! The highlight was definitely all 3 boys on stage with me at Saddleback at the 11:15 service - my #2 was headbutting me in the groin while I was trying to give announcements. And they loved seeing themselves on the big screens - I've got to get a copy of that moment. SO fun, and the crowd sure loved it, too. Happy Father's Day!
posted by Unknown @ 12:05 AM |
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 6/18/2007, Nick said...
Happy belated Fathers Day, sounds like you had fun!
- At 6/18/2007, Mike Lewis said...
Nothin' like a good groin headbutt to say I love you.