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The Internet: What Parents Need to Know

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Kurt is looking for help for a handout he's creating for The Promise Conference this weekend. He's looking to help parents with the internet age. As I was doing some quick research for him, I came across this solid article from MSNBC on the subject, too.
Learn how to examine your Web browser’s “History” files, or cache. Even if you don’t do it, make sure your children know it’s possible for you to know where they’ve been.

Look around your desktop, start menu or applications folder for suspicious programs.

Keep abreast of all your child’s e-mail accounts; understand that free Web e-mail may allow your child to have plenty of e-mail accounts you don’t know about.

If your child will chat, take some time to come up with an alias, or fake name. Aftab even suggests you give them a fake address and phone number so, if they’re being harassed, they have a way of vacating the situation.

Play around in Usenet and IRC chat rooms so you can talk to your children intelligently about them, and perhaps decide to ban their use. Contact your Internet provider to see what kind of Usenet groups are available.

Of course, the Robert Fulghum-style advice is useful. Do the things you would normally do in the real world. Get to know your children’s cyberfriends — certainly don’t let them meet anyone in person without your attendance. Because in the end, computers don't hurt kids: People hurt kids.


posted by Unknown @ 11:49 AM |

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