How Much Would You Sell Your Integrity For?
Sunday, May 13, 2007 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
According to CBS' Survivor, a man's integrity is worth about $900,000.
Amazing season finale tonight, Yao-Man was robbed, Dreamz lost everything, and Earl skates to a 9-0 unanimous finish. I know the game is "outwit... outplay... outlast ..." which can be roughly translated, "lie... cheat... backstab..." but wow, THAT was a finale.
Network executives must have been eager to write the winner's check when they heard how this went down. Wow.
posted by Unknown @ 11:53 PM | has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 5/14/2007, John DeMarco said...
I was absolutely STUNNED when Dreamz went back on his word.
However, I was even more SHOCKED by the fact he wouldn't admit to at one time planning to keep his word and then changing his mind to get farther in the game!
He pretty much admitted to this earlier when he was at the children's school house. That's when he had an epiphany that Yao made a strategic move.
I think he would have come out looking better if he had fessed up. But he only made himself look worse.
I love how Boo called him out, though! It was a great example of how a Christian rebuke should look. - At 5/14/2007, said...
AMAZING finale!
- At 5/15/2007, Unknown said...
A friend of mine (who has been an alternate for the show) says that Survivor is survival of the weakest.
Sorry Cassandra, and dreamz, but I think he makes sense.