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Why Don't You Attend Church?

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Mike sent me a link today that was interesting. He's reading a book from James White called Rethinking the church which had some interesting statistics that you should know about. Here's a clip:
Mr. White commissioned a survey of unchurched people who live in the northeast area of Charlotte. The heart of the survey sought to answer a single question: Why don’t you attend church? Those being surveyed were allowed to cite as many reasons as they felt applied. Here are the results.

There is no value in attending. (74%)
Churches have too many problems. (61%)
I do not have time. (48%)
I am simply not interested. (42%)
Churches ask for money too frequently. (40%)
Church services are usually boring. (36%)
Christian churches hold no relevance for the way I live. (34%)
I do not believe in God, or I am unsure that God exists. (12%)

This research indicates that most people who do not go to church do not attend for clear and specific reasons. Their problem is not with Christian theology; it is with how we do church.

posted by Unknown @ 9:09 AM |

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At 4/24/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good read. This is why I love Saddleback. Those same reasons are why many Christians don't go to church or why they go but hate it.


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