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The next time I teach the MySpace workshop, I think I'll include this video. Thanks to Treece for the lead to this one.


posted by Unknown @ 10:10 AM |

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At 4/16/2007, Blogger Bryant Johnson said...

good vid. i think this is one thing people tend not to realize prior to using services like myspace.

At 4/16/2007, Blogger .justin said...


it's funny that the climax or the worst case scenario in this ad is the "sleazy janitor character".


At 4/16/2007, Blogger Ryan Nielsen said...


If you have not seen the 2nd video in this series, let me know and I will send it to you. The 2nd one is even MORE powerful than this one and makes another HUGE point that I think is great for your Myspace seminar. Let me know and I will get it to you.


At 4/17/2007, Blogger Josh(ua) Treece said...

Josh & Ryan, let's see that second video. Send me a link!


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